Would you like to add Favorite Channels to this device? This will add the option to open a customizable list of channels and guide information to this device when using the remote control.
Simple activities may be setup for each device. This will provide the user with a helpful list of relevant power and input commands used to setup the activity.
Select the devices which will have activities.
For each device-based activity, you must select which devices are involved, requiring the user to operate Power and/or Input commands.
Each device selected on the remote for control will normally send out volume commands to the associated device. Sometimes it is more convenient to have a device send out another device's volume commands, such as sending the Speaker Bar's volume command while using the Blu-Ray device. We call this option “Volume Punch Through” and it may be setup as many devices as you like.
Start by selecting a device which will use another device's volume commands.
Carefully review the request. Once the job request is submitted, it is final and cannot be edit here.