{{!virtualEditor ? system.name : ''}} Overview


  Show controllers for {{room.name}}

{{bstation.name}} ({{bstation.mac | macAddress}}) (Base Station)

{{remote.name}} ({{remote.mac | remoteId}}) ({{remote.remoteType}}) (Remote Control)

You currently have no devices in this room.

{{device.name}} {{device.brand}} | {{device.model}}

Advanced devices

No devices are programmed



Scheduled Entertainment events

No events are programmed

{{event.display_text}} {{event.default_state ? 'On' : 'Off'}}

  Alexa Smart Home Scenes and Devices

Alexa Voice Service Commands

Alexa Linking Credentials

Link Name: {{masterBstationMac}}

Link Code: {{amazonEcho.link_code}}

Turn on: Turn off: {{scene.spoken_text}}

TRF-ZW Zwave Gateway Devices {{device.name}}